Who We Are

We need to know your story for us to do our job well, but first, let us tell you ours.

The story of shortlongs is simple. We are two little nerds lumbering through life. Zac and Mac. As is with typical 90’s baby’s, we connect through unhealthy self deprecation, crave praise for the smallest of tasks and have owned our fair share of surf rock tee’s and cargo shorts.

We have a passion for going that little extra step for a gift, or for an event, and always try to find the hilarity out of the boring and mundane. The venn diagram of ‘having a laugh’, ‘doodling’ and ‘three quarter pants nostalgia’, lead us to an idea…

So, scheming and sketching night after night. Skin paled, eyes bloodshot, shortlongs emerged from the digital cauldron.